Hi Judy,
Just wanted to send a BIG, GIANT THANK YOU to you! Tig and I had our very best walk ever this evening (well, our best walk in situations where we encounter other dogs). We were completely prepared after last night's class -- clicker in hand, treats ready to go, crossed the street, passed the dogs, and Tig did not pull toward a dog one time. I am fully aware that we have a long way to go, but I just know that Tig and I are a capable team! Thank you for helping us!
See you next week,
Cathy 5/1/2014
Just wanted to send a BIG, GIANT THANK YOU to you! Tig and I had our very best walk ever this evening (well, our best walk in situations where we encounter other dogs). We were completely prepared after last night's class -- clicker in hand, treats ready to go, crossed the street, passed the dogs, and Tig did not pull toward a dog one time. I am fully aware that we have a long way to go, but I just know that Tig and I are a capable team! Thank you for helping us!
See you next week,
Cathy 5/1/2014
Bo is doing great! This is 15 minutes after introducing this lab into our home for an overnight.
Thank you so much for all your help. Not only did I enjoy the training classes, but I learned so many valuable things about reading dogs body language and setting them up for success.
See you soon when I sign up for my next round of classes:)
Thanks again!
The Dog Lady April 25, 2014
Bo is doing great! This is 15 minutes after introducing this lab into our home for an overnight.
Thank you so much for all your help. Not only did I enjoy the training classes, but I learned so many valuable things about reading dogs body language and setting them up for success.
See you soon when I sign up for my next round of classes:)
Thanks again!
The Dog Lady April 25, 2014
I just thought I'd give you an update: Potato is doing very well with the "touch" command and practicing backpedaling while out on our walks. We've seen a couple of dogs; with one she remained under the threshold while watching him walk by, although she was on alert and did think about acting out, and another she saw and immediately looked at me for treats. I tried to bring her attention back to the dog and she was like, "Yeah, I know. I see him. Now give me treats!" That incident was at a greater distance, which may be why she was more relaxed about that one.
I am seeing improvements and it is so encouraging. And the tools you are teaching us are working wonderfully!
Heather, 4/8/2014
You have done an awesome job on teaching me the "new school" way of canine handling. Gone is the Alpha Principle that I brought with me one year ago this month when we arrived for Manners I.
Many thanks as we look forward to Outdoor Adventure!
Sincerely, Sean 3/2/2014
I started the hand feeding/leash walking yesterday, and will implement your other suggestions immediately.
Virginia 2/17/2014
A couple of after-class nice things to share for your own reward/thanks for what you do...as soon as Jaeger got into the truck, he laid on his mat and watched me with great focus. I went through DD drive thru and after initially getting up, he focused on me while lying on his mat. I rewarded both with boring treats and he loved it. When we got home, he got out of the truck, turned around and sat on the ground and watched me (usually when we get home, he sits to get out of the truck and his release is get out and play free)...I was so unprepared that I quickly rewarded with yes and thankfully found a ball in the pocket of the door!
THANK YOU so much for what you do!
Tracy 2/25/14
Hi Judy,
I attended your guarding seminar last month and wanted to tell you of some fantastic progress. My Labradoodle puppy (now 7.5 mos.) has growled and snapped at me over rawhides and certain other things she just doesn’t want to give up. She was one of a litter of 10! I spoke to you after class about her growling over her food bowl. That’s coming along.
Using your “leave it” training we are making very good progress, however, in what concerned me the most – the growling and snapping over any chewy. I’ve been practicing with approach, treat, walk away, etc. Yesterday, I gave her a filled bone and she growled the first time I approached her, but I repeated the training – approaching, treat, walk away and it’s like something clicked. For the rest of the day she walked around with the bone in her mouth, coming to us, letting us pet her with no anxiety at all. I think this is a huge step forward.
You’ll probably see us again, but I am a tax accountant and reluctant to sign up for a winter class. BTW – I had paid $70 for a consultation with a dog trainer in Pownal for the same behavior and got little to nothing out of it.
Happy New Year and thanks very much.
Thank you, Judy! I was very impressed with our meeting. I liked the way you listened to me, wrote notes, asked open-ended questions along with detailed questions that helped me to thoroughly explain history and situations to you, I liked your organization/flow of the meeting, you are very knowledgeable and deliver the information very well, and I love the follow up email to help me remember details of the meeting. Thank you for doing what you do!!!!!!! Tracey and Scott, December 16, 2013
Thanks Judy for a wonderful puppy class! I think Pumpkin Pie had fun and I’m learning a TON! Brody seemed to warm up with Pumpkin and I think I saw some playing! Your teaching has really been fantastic – thank you SOOO much!
Kirsten December 2013
First of all I want to thank you so much for teaching and Birdie better communication skills! She loves getting paper certificates!
Also for welcoming my husband Bill. He got a lot out of simply watching.
Tracy Johnson Colby
Tracy Johnson Fine Jewelry November 2013
Tracy Johnson Fine Jewelry November 2013
Judy, Puff is a very lucky dog to have had such a wonderful teacher like you for his whole life! And, remember, you and Annie saved his life this summer when he stopped eating or drinking water, even!
I am so proud of him. And, I know that he will be so pleased to have a new family member who will have time to play with him anytime he wants -- no matter how many times he waives the Kong toy in her face!!
Lots of Love and Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Joanne and Puff
Joanne T. Fryer, Esq.
Divorce Mediation Services November 2013
Hello Judy! Gracie is doing very well…. I think we are too!
Thank you so much All 3 of us are having fun.
We were even able to incorporate our friend Tom into the training that evening and a few other times since.
(That Wednesday, she went to sleep with her head in Tom’s lap.)
I’ve got my assistant on board as well.
We bought new tiny treats and have ID’d ‘the pickle” as the special visitors’ toy.
We will really work on the long stay this weekend.
Thanks again, Judy!
Wendy & Chris Denison
Wendy A. Whiting
Executive Director, Maine Society of CPAs November 2013
Best of Breed today over 20 other elkhounds, including 5 Champions and 3 Grand Champions ... Including his breeder's dog, which is the # 1 elkhound on the country!!!!! Perfectly behaved. No barking. No attention to other dogs!
Sally and Toby September 2013
Hi Judy
I want to thank you for your guidance with Natalie over the past few weeks. I thought your advise was great and helpful. My husband and son are unwilling to see this through any longer with Natalie and different arrangements have been made. It makes me so sad but I think I gave it my best. It was truly too much to ask of anyone. I will happily recommend you to anyone who asks.
All the best,
Edie Fontaine
The Zemrak Fontaine Team September 2013
Hi Judy,
I will see you in class tomorrow! Sophie is doing great - no
accidents! She has matured so much - when we walk off-leash she stops
and thinks and decides if she wants to greet the human(s) and the
dog(s) we encounter along the way - sometimes she decides to continue
with me alone and other times she goes over and makes friends and has
a ball running around with the dog(s). She used to greet every dog and
every person reflexively and now she surveys the situation and picks
and chooses. September , 2013
I will see you in class tomorrow! Sophie is doing great - no
accidents! She has matured so much - when we walk off-leash she stops
and thinks and decides if she wants to greet the human(s) and the
dog(s) we encounter along the way - sometimes she decides to continue
with me alone and other times she goes over and makes friends and has
a ball running around with the dog(s). She used to greet every dog and
every person reflexively and now she surveys the situation and picks
and chooses. September , 2013
Judy! I want you to know we have kept working with Bianca, introducing her to new people slowly who respect her needs and look at this success! She has a new friend in Molly's step dad! She went to visit them with us this weekend and met three men who she (after about half an hour and some treats) didn't bark at and eventually let them give her a pat or two!
I also bought a house off Brighton avenue, with a nice sized fenced in yard for her to run around and play in. She loves it! I do plan on doing another class with Bianca with you, but am going to most likely wait until the next session or spring to see how the finances go with the new house. It's hard to plan anything when I haven't had any bills yet for the house!
Bobbi, August 2013
I also bought a house off Brighton avenue, with a nice sized fenced in yard for her to run around and play in. She loves it! I do plan on doing another class with Bianca with you, but am going to most likely wait until the next session or spring to see how the finances go with the new house. It's hard to plan anything when I haven't had any bills yet for the house!
Bobbi, August 2013
I just finished listening to the entire show. You were terrific! I bet you will get a lot of interest from any dog owner who caught your interview. Not only do you know your topic, but exceptional in delivery.
Hi Judy!
Thank you for presenting your Object & Food Guarding seminar this past Sunday! Not sure if you had a chance to read the comment sheets, but it is clear you did a great job! THANK YOU!
Renee Gordon, Manager
it's a dog's world June 2013
I'm sorry to say that Milo and I won't be able to attend the final Outdoor Adventure class on Saturday We will miss you! Thanks for such a fun class, Milo learned a LOT and we've been back to the spots you showed us several times for more off leash training & fun - and will return many more! It was also so helpful for me to be able to start trusting him off leash...good training for me as well.
Hope you enjoy your summer, and thanks again!
Annelise June 13, 2013
I think your class was very helpful, and Atticus and I understand each other much better now!
Thanks again!
Hilary June 4, 2013
OMG – we are totally in love with PearlyJ and even better, I know Pearly is loving us too. Her eyes have gone from – I’m not going to show you anything – to happy, open, love eyes; and what a beautiful color her eyes are.
Emily and Pearly, already, have a special thing going on, because Em takes her running. Yesterday at Mosley woods, Pearly decided to take Em swimming in a muddy pond. The day before, we took Pearly to another of my favorite “on location walks” – where she ran off lease to her hearts content and went for a couple of dips in lake Gardner . Pearly is exploring everything and having lots of fun, and so are we. Without any doubt, this is a match made in Heaven.
Thank you.
My warmest regards,
Kathy April 29, 2013
Georgia is now one year old and thanks to Lucky Pup’s recommendation of Judy, and Judy’s expertise, Georgia has really settled in and become much more mellow. She is an absolutely wonderful dog!!
She loves the outdoors and other dogs, and last summer, skittish as she was, welcomed everyone who came to our gardens. She’ll be the official Garden Greeter this year!
Mary March 26, 2013
Hi Judy,
Thanks for your positive feedback. Snickers is doing much better with the people chewing and munching on my clothes! It definitely takes patience and consistency but the same is true of raising our children. Understanding and consistency are the keys. Plus the treat when she behaves correctly is a great affirmation. 🐶
I'm working to follow your suggestions, etc. you are an excellent teacher and I very much appreciate your help. I'll definitely update you on our progress and will ask questions if I have other concerns. If we need to schedule another session at some point, we will.
Thank you so much, Judy, and enjoy your week.
Nancie April 21, 2013
Thanks so much for the follow up, Judy. I am so glad I sought you out as a resource.
Gloria April 7, 2013
Hi Judy,
I just wanted to shoot you an e-mail to quickly tell you how our weekend went. My sister and her boyfriend, who Payson had never met, stayed at our apartment Friday night. Payson gave one growl when he first met Brad, and we took things slow Friday afternoon as they met, playing games and giving treats. Not long after, he was playing touch with everyone (including the new boyfriend). In the morning, Brad woke up to a nice little 'face bath' from Payson who gave him plenty of kisses. I had warned Brad and my sister that it would take time with Payson, and he would surely not be petting him this weekend. It wasn't long before Brad was playing on the ground with Payson, getting more and more kisses, playing tug of war with him and giving him butt rubs. We all went to my parent's house up north on Saturday, where Payson continued to shower Brad with kisses and there was absolutely no issues. Things went better than we ever could have hoped.
We wanted to give you a big THANK YOU for everything you have done and everything we have learned from you, along with your continued patience with us all.
We would absolutely love to start up another class with you (whatever you think may be best). We have been taking Payson back to all of the off leash places we used to be able to go with him, using his muzzle, and it has truly been amazing to see him play with other dogs like he used to. We are making huge steps and are very proud parents!
Thanks again for everything and we hope to see you soon.
Shelley, Ricky & Payson
March 25, 2013
Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for your help training Georgia. She has really mellowed since we started seeing you and have great faith that we will be able to turn things around for her and us :)
I appreciate your follow up tremendously ~ this is incredibly helpful stuff!
My best,
March 18, 2013
Judy, Thank you so, so much for all the insights you shared – and demonstrated – today. I’m so psyched to help Georgia feel more comfortable, safe and well-loved with us. We are soooooo glad we contacted you and that you were able to meet with us – and get us started! – so quickly. Thank you, thank you!! See you on the 29th.
Best, Mary
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Oskar adjusted immediately to our house and family... He had the best Christmas, new rain coat, toys and goodies. Oscar just adores my mom, they are together ALL the time.. he doesn't take his eyes off her....LOL Happy New Year and keep up the good work you do!
Hi Judy,
![]() |
Jackson had more confinement fears than true separation anxiety. So glad he is doing well! |
I just wanted to give you a quick update on Jackson . He is already doing much better!!! We have worked up to 6 hrs. alone and he is doing well. The only issue we had was trying to introduce a new treat which made him sick, causing a bit of a mess in the living room. He’s also done quite a job on some of the treat toys, but I can find stronger ones that he that will keep him busy. We have been leaving the stereo on for him, which I think is also helping.
Other than that, he has done so well!! We have increased his exercise up to 3-4 miles running in the AM, and a brisk walk in the afternoon, and making him work while he’s doing it. We are varying our routine as much as possible, and making him work for his meals. We still need to work more on getting him to play with toys. With the kids coming up on a long break, we should have more time to add that in too.
Thanks so much for your help! Let me know if you can think of anything else that we should be working on.
Thank you so much for coming over last night! I know Bianca needs more exercise and hiring a dog walker would be such a help. I am so impressed with how much we got accomplished yesterday and it has renewed my spirits in the training process. I have been focusing more on her training in the past month and I hope we continue to make improvements. Will you give me a summary like you did the prior times? I think I'm going to think back and write down notes as well, but I know I always miss some things. I will most likely be interested in doing another three session training thing again, but after the holidays. I think it's good for us to touch base with you, mostly for me to relearn things that I should be doing. Plus you have such a calming influence over B and the training process in general.
Thank you!
December 14, 2012
I have only met one beagle to be off leash that is very impressive! she says you made him that way using his meal! It is so cool to give some suggestions that can make an amazing difference!
She thinks the world of you :)
Judy, I hope I don't bore you with these emails, but I have another small step that represents a giant leap for Phil. Everytime he has a success, I think of you.
A couple of weekends ago, a years worth of training culminated in my first entry in an agility trial. Although I had been training both Phil and Bella in agility, on separate nights, since fall 2011, Phil's progress was slower. His successes were gaining comfort in different environments, acting appropriately around different dogs, and doing the obstacles he was comfortable with. I let him proceed at his own pace.
One of the downsides of caring for two dogs with sometimes completely different sets of needs, is that there is sometimes not enough time or money to maintain two completely separate training programs. If I didn't have to work at all, I probably wouldn't pursue agility with Phil, but might do nose works, or weight pulling, or just, something different.
So I've had to follow a single path and yet make it work for both dogs. Of course, agility is not the only thing we do! We do a lot of trail hiking, and meetups with fellow Jack owners. Just having fun.
Back to agility. I entered Bella in the Happy Tails trial (three days) the weekend before Thanksgiving. She was just in the very basic classes at level 1 (Standard and Jumpers). I was able to bring Phil along, because the crating area was separate from the competing area. (different rooms) even tho he was not entered. Because I was only entered in two classes each day with Bella, we had a lot of time on our hands. Fortunately, there was a road nearby that lead to Evergreen Cemetary and the trails around that, so each day, we got a wonderful walk in. Afterwards, Phil and Bella were side by each in their crates in the crating room. I had more than one person tell me these were very abnormal Jacks, in that they did not spend their whole time barking. My guys were very well behaved. Neither dog showed a single moment of snarkiness to any other dog, even when Phil got "zoomed" by another dog in the endless comings and goings.
I actually think Phil's presence helped Bella feel more comfortable. The end result was, over the three days, she went 6 for 6 - qualifying in all the classes I had entered her in. And Phil was a very good boy through out all three days, and got exposure to lots of different sights, smells, and noises. He handled it well. It probably helped that sister was with him; call it synergy.
Socializing Bella and Phil |
I don't know yet whether we'll enter Phil in the February trial, we have a couple of Yappy Hours before I need to decide. But I was just so happy with what he did tonight. I always say, it all goes back to how you helped me understand how his brain works. Bella's Q's were a thrill, but Phil's smaller successes are in some ways, more satisfying. The nice thing about the agility group I am working with, they do get that. They've gotten to know (and love) both my dogs so its a good group to train with.
Happy Holidays! if you ever need a reference, I would be happy to provide.
Cathy and Phil and Bella
Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for assessing and working with Lambeau today. You could tell how much he was enjoying himself, and learning too! I really appreciate your style of training, and feel like your ideas were great!
Thank you so much for assessing and working with Lambeau today. You could tell how much he was enjoying himself, and learning too! I really appreciate your style of training, and feel like your ideas were great!
Thanks again,
Mandy Fisher, Buddy Up Animal Society
Mandy Fisher, Buddy Up Animal Society
Judy, We've had a great weekend with Petey. Kate's boyfriend came to visit and joined right in with the training and Petey was really good with him. Still doing some guarding of me and toys but much better. We've all noticed improvement with the treats and training.
Thanks for all your help. Cathy
Hi Judy,
Emma is doing fantastically well, as are we. During the day if she is in the hall when I enter the room, she gets up and goes onto her blanket on the couch in the den instead of pouncing on me as soon as I enter the kitchen. She still does jump on me, but I would say about 50% less and as soon as I turn my back, she totally stops it!
When I was doing her dinner training with "come" and then "sit" after a few repetitions, I did not even have to use the command "sit", I would say 'Emma, come" and she would automatically sit down. I got her interactive toys as you suggested, and I gave her the fire hydrant one last night. I gave it to her at 5:30 and that dog did not move off of the couch for 4 hours until it was time to go to bed, she was so intrigued with it! Tonight, she is busy trying to get Kong treats out of theKong! It was so cute last night when she moved off the couch into her bed, she took it with her and she fell asleep with it on her paws.
We have seen a major change in her in just 2 days and am thrilled with her progress.
Looking forward to our next meeting and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hey Judy,
I just wanted to say that I love your classes. I'm learning a lot from you. I really took a lot away from the seminar on Sunday. It was a great class. I am also beyond words with my Afrienda. I had taken him to a few different trainers in the past and some said that he should be euthanized. I am so relieved that I can work with you with him (and all the others too).
I just wanted to say that I love your classes. I'm learning a lot from you. I really took a lot away from the seminar on Sunday. It was a great class. I am also beyond words with my Afrienda. I had taken him to a few different trainers in the past and some said that he should be euthanized. I am so relieved that I can work with you with him (and all the others too).
Kim Hansen
November 4, 2012
Thanks so much for your teaching today. I found it very helpful and I can see how better to greet unknown dogs in public. Your presentation was concise and professional. Using the dogs was very helpful for me to actually see the behaviors you were talking about.
I will recommend my friend Mary to you!
Best, Tracy
I will recommend my friend Mary to you!
Best, Tracy
November 4, 2012
Hi Judy,
Things are going well. Keva is responding to the "Here" command and seems to be getting the hang of it. I actually stood at the corner store last night and let people walk by us and kept her busy with the here command and she didn't bark at them it was great!
Things are going well. Keva is responding to the "Here" command and seems to be getting the hang of it. I actually stood at the corner store last night and let people walk by us and kept her busy with the here command and she didn't bark at them it was great!
Bret and I are so happy to see how Sam is adjusting to all the other people in the class. He used to bark at most of them but now he’s begging for pats and scratches Makes us happy. That’s a major reason we decided to continue to the next class now. We wanted to keep him with the dogs/people he’s comfortable with plus we know it’ll be good for his behavior.
Thanks for all that you do for Sam and the many other lucky dogs that meet you!
August 8, 2012
Judy, Great news. Sammy has been staying home by himself since Memorial Day. No problems. Also found some toys he actually likes. We spend up to 20 min. out in the yard playing with balls and such. Nice to have him starting to come out of his shell. Now to get him used to the fact he’s not the only dog in town.
Thanks, Martha Haley
Thanks, Trent
June 20, 2012
Oh my goodness!
Judy, Great news. Sammy has been staying home by himself since Memorial Day. No problems. Also found some toys he actually likes. We spend up to 20 min. out in the yard playing with balls and such. Nice to have him starting to come out of his shell. Now to get him used to the fact he’s not the only dog in town.
Thanks, Martha Haley
Hi Judy!
Your advice on greeting other dogs enthusiastically in front of Ollie worked great. He only had one very brief and not as agressive get-out-of-my-face moment, but that was because I shifted my attention to talk to the owner while their dog was still greeting Ollie. Will definitely continue with this technique as it appears to help put Ollie at ease.
Thanks, Trent
June 20, 2012
Oh my goodness!
I just had to share what a good session this was. With all the new noises, smells, people, I was thinking the distractions were going to put Penny over the edge. (I don't think she has ever heard a train before, and certainly not so up close and personal) I think ALL the dogs did an amazing job.
Thank you, Judy.
I brought Penny to the beach after class. What a high. A great ending! She was able to run like the wind and play with about 10 other dogs. It was so fun to watch.
Marny and Penny
Thank you so much for calling Barbara back on Sunday.You were great about telling her that you would call Dr. Wack.Not only are you an outstanding certified canine trainer and behaviorist, but you are also very compassionate and concerned about all of the animals that you help.
Tom Furlong
Thank you SO MUCH!
Judy, Maya, Freya and I are meeting this afternoon for second official "meeting"! Thanks so much for facilitating the introduction. I have already learned so much from you and look forward to implementing all of these great lessons into our training together. We will most likely be at the Feisty Fidos class tomorrow but if not, I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Thanks again for your patience, passion and guidance. You are such a great guide on this dog journey! And I will recommend you to everyone!
Have a great weekend,
Judy thanks for checking in.
Fred is doing great. He has been meeting new people at the house we are building. Larry has treats at the ready and he is tail wagging taking them from people. Fred is even taking treats from Mike the loud fast moving person, he is also able to give Fred lots of rubs. Larry has finally realized that he needs to watch for Fred being uncomfortable with some people and handle properly. We haven't been getting out much alone yet but will this summer. Thanks for the sheet I will check it over tonight.
patty tetreault
Hi Judy,
Thank you for all the work you have done with Heidi and me. From the Feisty Fido classes to the CGC class that Heidi just passed, what you teach is invaluable in my relationship with her. Heidi has come a long way. Your tips with the use of a clicker and even the articles that you post on your blog remind me of how to create a happy and healthy relationship with my dog and the environment. I always look forward to each class and next steps with Heidi.
Thank you for all the work you have done with Heidi and me. From the Feisty Fido classes to the CGC class that Heidi just passed, what you teach is invaluable in my relationship with her. Heidi has come a long way. Your tips with the use of a clicker and even the articles that you post on your blog remind me of how to create a happy and healthy relationship with my dog and the environment. I always look forward to each class and next steps with Heidi.
Marianne Quinn
Thank you so much Judy! It was wonderful to see you to. My youngest, Noah, came home and was so sad that he missed you. He remembered our puppy classes. The notes are helpful and I've taken advantage of quite a few chances to give him some good conditional training as well as the "all done" and considering how inconsistent it has had to be because of the busy school year.......I've still noticed a difference. I look forward to vacation week when we can be more consistent too. I also was amazed at your professional skills with Beau. I never doubted it....but to see it first hand and to learn from you all of the things you had to teach me.....it was a very valuable experience. I'll keep you posted and thank you again.