Saturday, July 9, 2011

Outdoor Feisty Fido Class Today

Looking forward to our positive classes today held at the Eastern Prom.

Hope some of our Alumni will be able to join us for the Feisty Fido class as we need good distraction dogs!  For many rescue dogs who have spent months or years practicing this unwanted reactive behavior, learning to not be reactive on the leash, in the car and yard may take months of practice.  But once they have it, your relationship will be better then ever!

Desensitizing our dogs and helping them feel safe is such a great feeling, congratulations to our many Alumni and Graduates as they continue to make outstanding progress!

1 comment:

  1. Me and my dog Baroness went mostly for my need to start getting into the life as i want to become cert, as a trainer. I found the class to be very helpful to both me and my 14week old female Rottweiler. I am looking forward to the positive relationship in the endeavor.
