Monday, September 26, 2011

Appreciate the Warning

Dewey understands the golden's "look" and avoids a bite!
I recently met a young man who has been bitten several times, with a level 1 and level 2 bite from his dog.  In each case the dog was sitting on the couch by his wife when he approached.  Each time the dog growled, he said "no" to the dog and sat down anyway, and yes he got bitten.

Consider each time now that the husband comes near the couch, the wife gets anxious, afraid her sweet loving pooch will bite at her husband.  Her anxiety only becomes apparent to the dog when that "man" comes near.  If his approach predicts mom being afraid, then he will be afraid also.  It is the dogs natural instinct to make himself feel safe, and if a growl or bite works then he will use it!

Knowing the dog loved cheese, I recommended dad approached the couch, make no eye contact with the dog, and only toss a small piece of cheese near him and walk away.  We did this repetition several times until we saw the dog was actually happy about the man approaching.  Next we had the man approach, sit down treat the dog and then leave.  Again with several repetitions, the wife began to relax and see that the dog could be happy about her husbands approach and presence as long as it predicted something good!

The Point of this article is to change the reason the dog is growling, rather than just telling him to "No!" We do not modify aggression with aggression anymore, at least Positive Reinforcement Trainers do not because we are educated on changing the emotions of the dog.

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